Vascular surgery is a surgical procedure whereby diseases of the vascular system, or arteries and veins, are managed by medical therapy, minimally-invasive catheter procedures, and surgical reconstruction.
The vascular surgeon is trained in the diagnosis and management of diseases affecting all parts of the vascular system except that of the heart and brain.
Some issues treated by vascular surgery are:
- Degenerative or obliterated artery disease.
- Ischemia of the members due to embolism or thrombosis.
- Chronic ischemia of the limbs.
- Aneurysms and artery disease destruction.
- Inflammatory artery disease and vasculitis.
- Vascular traumatism.
- Arteriovenous water-pipes.
- Vasomotor and mixed Syndromes.
- Destruction Diseases of the veins.
- Congenital vascular malformations. Angiodysplasias.
- Venous Thrombosis and post-thombotic syndrome.
- Venous chronic insufficiency. Varicose veins.
- Sores of vascular origin.
- Vascular cerebral insufficiency of origin extracraneal.
- Sharp(Acute) and chronic Ischemia mesentérica.
- Arterial vásculo-renal hypertension.
- Neurovascular syndrome of the thoracic opérculo.
- Diseases of the lymphatic glasses and linfedemas.
- Vascular tumors. Quemodectomas and Paragangliomas.
- Diseases of the microtraffic (diseases vasoespásticas, acrocianosis, etc.).
Dr. Rodríguez Carvajal.